

                Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF)

首先慶祝一下, 無國界醫生榮獲The Global Journal 評選2015年最佳NGO top 1

MSF 招募


  • 麻醉科醫生
  • 流行病學專家
  • 化驗室技術人員
  • 醫生
  • 助產士
  • 精神健康專家/心理學家
  • 婦產科醫生
  • 註冊護士
  • 手術室護士
  • 藥劑師
  • 外科醫生
  • 兒科醫生


  • 後勤人員
  • 水利衛生專家
  • 財務統籌人員
  • 人力資源及行政統籌人員


加入MSF 總是醫療從業人員心中的夢, 但是看了網站上的招募資訊,往往令人怯步

一定要會法語嗎? 有加分效果, 不一定要會, 面試官也不會法語呀, 肯亞, 馬拉威, 南非, 印度都是英語系國家

一定是外科系醫師才會錄取嗎? 三大熱帶疾病瘧疾, 肺結核, 愛滋病都是內科問題, 內科系醫師的需求量也很大呀

 一定要去戰爭前線, 伊波拉爆發的區域嗎? MSF 都會特別保護第一次出任務的人, 盡量分配至相對安全的區域, 例如肺結核防治, 營養計畫等

我對熱帶疾病不熟耶? 沒關係, 第一次看別人做, 第二次自己做, 第三次就要教別人了, 這就是醫學呀! 歡迎喜歡挑戰的人

會不會危險呀? 說不危險是騙人的, NGO 是具潛在危險性的工作之一, 但是可以盡量選擇自己能夠承擔的風險

會不會很難錄取? MSF 組織嚴謹, 很有系統的進行面試, 尤其同儕面試(peer interviewing) 這個等級是國際大公司才會有的面試方式, 但是實際的狀況, 人員常常來來去去, 因為NGO 工作總是需要考量家庭, 經濟, 子女教育等, 並不是每個有志之士, 都能長時間從事這個工作, 所以職缺的需求量也很大

一定要修熱帶醫學嗎? 不是100%一定需要修課, 如果曾在第三世界國家, 長時間工作的人員, 面試官認可你的能力, 也是可以跳過這個步驟, 或是經濟有困難, 可以另外討論, 然而, 當你修完這學程, 你會很感激曾經擁有這個機會!

一定要是醫療從業人員嗎? 歡迎水利, 運輸, 財務, 統籌的相關人士, 如果你沒有相關經驗, 仍舊覺得這個組織很吸引你, 可以寫信與人力資源部門討論其他的可能性(, 上至溝通協調, 蓋醫院, 挖水井, 地形探勘, 下至安全維護, 人力管理, 財務報表, 都是MSF 自行一手包辦, 所需的人才也是包羅萬象, 最重要的特色是你的"彈性度", 在任務當中, 一人多工

一定要有兩年以上相關經驗嗎? 這是一定要的, 因為在資源不足的區域, 必須獨立作業, 所以有相關經驗也是對自己的保障

英文一定要很好嗎? 雖然說肢體語言也可以溝通, 但是英文還是最主要溝通的方式, 不需要很完美的文法或很高深的字彙, 至少能流利的表達自己, 大約如空中英語教室雜誌(Studio Classroom Magazine) 程度, 或是IELTS 6 分以上程度, 面試的條件不包含英文檢定考試成績, 在此只是提供一個參考標準

在第三世界工作是個絕對浪漫的想法, 但絕對不是浪漫的現實, 謝絕無法抗壓, 無法主動學習, 無法彈性調整的人, 不然在任務當中會十分痛苦, 也謝絕逃避現實壓力, 逃避家庭問題, 逃避前妻前女友等狀況, 在異國工作往往會產生更大的壓力及問題

出任務的現實是, 往往方圓百里, 只有你一個醫師, 一星期七天, 二十四小時值班, 不是很無聊就是很累, 因為安全理由, 不能隨意閒晃, 需團體行動, 偶爾會遇到不知道怎麼處理的狀況, 例如產婦難產, 但是你又不是婦產科醫師, 你可以決定要不要剖腹產, 這就是挑戰之處

偶爾也會很有成就感, 因為救了一個營養不良的小男孩, 現在看著他在你面前跑跑跳跳

所以MSF網站上的資訊只是參考用, 台灣的人力招募, 尤香港分部統籌, 如果評估自己的狀況允許, 就勇敢上網報名吧 ! (




第一階段 : 上網填寫資料  上傳履歷和證書

醫師證書 專科證書都需要公證




第二階段: 電話面試

完成網路報名後兩周, 接到香港人力資源Simon 的通知, 約時間進行電話面試, 全以英文進行

面試的內容大致如同自己履歷的內容: 自我介紹, 工作經驗, 為何想申請MSF等普遍性的問題

這關主要確認英文能力, 和溝通能力

因為是電話面試, 事前我很認真地模擬, 把想要回答的內容寫下來, 照著念....比較不會忘了講重點, 當然也是要念的生動活潑

雖然事後Simon 還是說我的英文卡卡的~~ Orz

大約幾天後, 就可以知道面試結果



第三階段: 現場面試

大約在第二階段後的四個月, 終於來到現場面試的那一天

從第二到第三階段, 每個人等待的時間長短不一, 最主要看這段期間申請人數多寡, MSF 才會決定要不要舉辦現場面試

這是我遇過最有趣的面試了, 完全滿足從小看偵探小說的快感

整體而言就是個不可預測的面試, 可惜簽了保密協定, 不能透露太多

更令人意外的是, 還遇到好久不見的大學同學, 大家畢業後都越來越帥



目前台灣有約 9 位無國界醫生  我算是半個  還在行前訓


最後我要說, 台灣絕對不是一個鬼島, 說台灣是鬼島的人, 應該出來睜大眼睛看看這世界

這世界, 仍有人為了一碗飯掙扎, 有人活在死亡的恐懼之中, 得到肺結核就像得到絕症沒藥醫

這些已不是台灣社會的常態, 卻仍是地球某些角落最嚴重的問題

我為台灣感到驕傲, 因為我們已經站上世界的舞台, 已有能力伸出援手

翁山蘇姬(Aung San Suu Kyi)講過一句話:

面對無助時最好的辦法, 就是去幫助他人, 如此你就不會感到無助 (I've always thought that the best solution for those who feel helpless is for them to help others. I think then they will start feeling less helpless themselves.")



欲知詳情, 也可以讀讀這本好書  這是2014年我個人書單上的好書第一名

涵蓋MSF 所有面向, 無論好與壞





1.Clinical experience




5.Belief : philanthropy



1.Personal description
Hi Mr Lee, I am...

2.Why join MSF

Since I was a child, my patients always help people or their friends, no matter psychologically or financially. They are always willing to help. This attitude has deep influence on me.
To serve in place where health system is insufficient or non-existent is always the thing I want to do. It is my obligation and those people are calling me to do this.
I have participiated in two medical missions in Northern Thailand and central phillippines. However, these medical missions only last for 2 weeks. The effects were not obvious. In my concept, Continuity and consistency are the corner stone of medicine. Consequently, I am searching for some other groups that provide long term medical aid. So that is MSF. MSF provides long term humanitarian aid in developing countries and areas after natural disasters. And it is well-organized. That is the reason why MSF.

3.Why not serve in your own country (何不在自己國家) ?

Because Taiwan has very advanced health system and medical education, the need for doctors is almost saturated even in rural areas. Being a Taiwanese is bestowed. Not everyone has such wonderful blessing as we do; we are the one to give, but not to take. It is our turn to give back to those who need helps. That is why I want to be a international aid worker.

4.    (組織了解)understanding toward the organization

1971 Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF)in more than 80 countries independent and impartial  humanitarian nongovernmental organizations (NGOs), It is a well known, highly respective and has high reputation in humanitarian aid. The major different between MSF and red cross is that we also advocate humanitarian intervention (人道干預 for whose have no channel to speak out.

Founder: Bernard Kouchner (庫希內)  

The most well known event about MSF in Asia is about Dr. Carlo Urbani, worked against SARS  in Vietnam.

We won Nobel peace prize when James Orbinski was the president in 1999

We also hire local staffs. The international aid workers have to cooperate with local staffs. In some project, we might not practice in person, our job is to supervise local medical staffs, instead of practice on our own. In this way, they can operate the medical institute independently when we close the project and leave that area.

5.teamwork abilities
MSF project teams number up to 30 people , core team consists of a project coordinator, logistician, doctors and nurse, water-sanitation experts, engineers.

6.    Length of service (服務時間)

I  consider dedicating my whole time, career, and energy to non government organization, for example, MSF. If possible, I would like to search for long term career in MSF. Because I highly admire this kind of work.

7.    Leadership : Raised fund about 27,000 USD (NTD 800,000)

Back to my College time, I was in charge of fundraising for our group. The expenditure was huge at that year, because our group planned to go to an island at southeast coast of Taiwan for medical mission. We had to get there by plane. The costs of plane were expensive. The leader hoped that we could raise more fund. I had 5 teammates. All of them were good partners and they were multitasking. We cooperated together to write the proposal, telephone the possible donators, explained our project, and even provide additional service to get the donation. Finally, we raised fund about NTD 1,000,000 (30,000 USD) in one year. And I were only students at that time.

8.    What are difficult situations you have faced and how did you deal with them ?

One day I faced a situation that a patient’s son shouted at me, and threatened me according to some unrealistic events. The atomosphere was tight because he was kind of out of control. Simultaneously, the patient, the old man, had sudden onset of shortness of breath, and not responded to initial management. The patient’s son keep shouting and threatening me. Actually, I was nervous and was really afraid he might hit me. I had to stay very calm and do the necessary tests for the patient, regardless what his son was doing. His son also asked for explanation about his father’s current condition immediately. However, it took time to have blood test results return. That was a very difficult time.

Finally, we realized that the patient’s son was a psychiatric patient left untreated. And the old man had acute heart attack, might because his son shouted at me and the old man was nervous as well and leaded to heart attack. The main point of this experience is that, as a doctor, we have to stay calm and handle the situation no matter what happens.

9.    Tell a time when you had to admonish(告誡) someone

I like encourage that person first, tell him what advantage he has. Then I will point out his disadvantage and say if you can do it in certeain way, it will be better.

For example, a nurse in our hospital is careless. She always forgets to record input and output for the patient. I encourage her first “You always work very hard, and you really care about our patients and patients like you very much. Recording input and output is very critical for this patient, if you can remember to record and calculate
correctly, I will be appreciated. “

10. Do you have experience working in insecure environments(動亂環境)? If so, how did you handle it?  

Last Feb, I worked in medical mission in central philippins after Super typhoon Yulanda. Many criminals got out of the prison because the prison was blown down by the typhoon. Many local people were run out of food, water. They had no house to live in. That was an insecure society. We followed the leader’s order, and stayed in medical mission spot and hostel most of the time. If we wanted to go on the street, we would go in group. We would report to the leader where we were going. That was the safest way to protect ourselves.

11. Are you comfortable living in primitive conditions(原始環境)?

I can tolerant well to primitive conditions. Because I like mountain-climbing. No electricity, no water and no toilet there in high mountains. We have no chance to take bath for maximal 3 days. We have to carry all the food and water ourselves. No life quality in high mountains. I can deal with primitive environment well.

12.What do you think are the most important qualities for a Field doctor to possess?  

Comminication skill, patience, physical strength, because we have to work for a long time without a rest. High EQ, passion.

13. people trapped in a cave and was asked on how to coordinate their exit ?

It was a tough question. I will define if there is any injured teammate. I will gather all people in the safest place in the cave. And I will recruit some strong teammate to find the exit route with me. Then we will come back and show all the teammates the route. I will divide them in groups. I hope one strong person can take care of one injured or weak partner.

14. 如果您因從事醫療救援而反而如南韓傳教士(Missionary)事件般被扣為人質 (hostage; a pawn),您可曾考慮過?

 That is the worst thing that might happen during humanitarian aid. Being an aid worker might be one of the risky jobs in the world. I know this kind of event did happen in MSF project in Republic of Chechnya. But fortunately, the hostage was released safely 1 year later.

Missionary from South Korea was kidnapped by Taliban in Afghanistan. It was a very critical area and the most dangerous area in the world. I don’t think those Christian missionary should have gone there because they had totally different religions from each other. In other
words, the Taliban could not tolerate christian.

And the Taliban kidnapped them and used them as a tool to negotiate with other international organizations.
As a individual, seldom we can do to stop the this event.
As for MSF member, if we encounter specific armed soldiers or specific religion groups, we will explaine to them that we don’t stand for any religion, policy nor government. We are here simply to provide medical aid, food and necessity. If you get injured, we will help you as well. Based on previous experiences, those armed groups can understand. Do our best and hope for the best.

15. 如果您因搭車正要從事醫療救援,被士兵持槍攔下,您如何反應?Facing armed conflicts.

First of all, we would like to make sure there is no misunderstanding. So, to ensure good communication, I would try to find someone who can translate for us. Then we have to express our kindness, we are friendly, we are not armed. We will explain to them that we don’t stand for any religion, policy nor government. We are here simply to
provide medical aid, food and necessity. If you get injured, we will help you as well. Some MSF project coordinator might give the soldiers some medicine or even condoms, but some suggest not use anything to exchange.

16. Work on a team for extended period of time?

That is the most challenging part for me. As a human being, we all need to take a rest after extended period of work. Because shortage of man force, every medical staff have to work very long hours in the field. It is an unavoidable situation. I know what to expect in the field. I am not promising that I can handle this well, but at least, I
would try to do my best.

17. Work under stress?

I am very used to work under stress. During residency training, I have lived under high stress for 4 years. Because I pay triathlon, I have very good endurance physically. I know the stress come from totally different resource 

18. Work with people around the world?

It may be challenging to work with people from all over the world. Because we have different language, background, and culture. I have seen a video clip about the argument between Indian doctor and middle east doctor regarding washing hands during the operation. The project coordinator had the deal with this issue. It is always not easy. So communication, listening and understanding are very important when
we are in the field.

19. Question:

Because I am from Taiwan, I belong to Hong Kong Office, right? Does it mean that I can only participate in the project held by HK office? Or I can also take part in project held by other office?  


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